Here and Now
Michael and I were walking down a narrow road called Cobb’s Hill in Paget Parish, Bermuda on our way to catch a ferry to Hamilton. It was drizzling. I asked Michael to tell me a story. Honestly, he is not the storytelling kind of man and I knew there was a 90 % chance he would answer with a joke. But, he surprised me with the perfect answer. ” You are in Bermuda with me”. Six words, complete story, profound meaning.
32 years ago this week, Michael and I spent our honeymoon in Bermuda. Six years after that we came back- a babymoon with number 2. In 1997, babymoon was not a thing so I guess we were/are influencers 🙂 Now 25 years later we are back. Michael’s words are a statement of a happy story. Our life has been full of ups, downs, challenges, and snow. As all life is supposed to be. Without challenge, there is no frame of reference for joy.
“You Are in Bermuda with Me”
You- I am well, loved, and able to travel
Are- fully present
In- a part of this place
Bermuda-a beautiful island
With – connection- the biggest predictor of wellbeing
Me- the man I chose to spend my life with
“You are in Bermuda with me”, tells the story of our lives being well lived.
May you find meaning in the smallest of sentences.