Readiness or Procrastination

Readiness is a myth that will keep you frozen. We become ready during the process not before it begins.”
Jay Shetty, The Daily Jay, Calm App. December 4, 2023
As a fairly new entrepreneur, I operate under the premise that I will never have a clear sense of “how it will happen”. I focus on the result that I want and let the how evolve by taking the next step that “feels” correct to me at that time. This means being okay with learning as you go or failing forward. For some, making a statement of what the result will be without a clear path as to how this will come about to be is sheer lunacy. I get it. I was once very much ruled by fear. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown and fear of judgement. Fear of judgement still creeps in. The other two, not so much. Everything I have learned and accomplished as an entrepreneur came from the unknown and failure has been my best teacher.
Jay’s comment above takes this concept a wee bit further. From “you don’t need to know how it is going to happen” to “you cannot know how it is going to happen until you start. The next right step and then the next right step toward the intended result creates the knowledge of how in hindsight. Do you ever find yourself saying ” when I…. I will do… fill in the… Examples would be; when I lose weight, I will go to the gym or when my home is more pulled together, I will invite friends over. Diving even further into Jay’s comment is the reality that if you wait to know exactly how you are going to do something, you will remain stuck. A really good example of this is inventions. Does the inventor know exactly how she/he is going to create the desired invention and have the result the first time? Of course not. The desired result is built on a big pile of failures.
Is there something you want to create? Is there a different result you want for yourself? Are you waiting for all the ducks to be in a row before starting? Does your result need to be an A plus? And most importantly is this mindset keeping you from taking the next step?
Some people are able to do the inner work needed to stop waiting and get going all by themselves. Most are not.
Who are you? Are you getting the results you want or are you stuck in limbo or mediocrity? This is a tough question, but the answer is so important because awareness of exactly where you are is the first step to change. If this work sounds like it’s something you want to do, working with a Life Coach will create results that will knock your socks off immediately and continue to deliver for the rest of your life. What are you waiting for? Make 2024 your year.